Shopping for gemstones is like going on a fishing trip. Half the fun is the adventure and the beautiful surroundings. The other half, of course, is the catch. Although Asia is changing by the day, there is still beautiful small fishing villages left if you look for them. Now when I go to Hong Kong, I stay in such a village, Mui Wo, on the opposite side of the island where the airport and gem show exist. There are few cars, fresh seafood, and great trails for hiking.
The catch for me is the fine gemstone. Gemstones that are too included, small, too large, or expensive are "catch and release". Unlike fish, putting them back does not breed more, so when the right gemstone comes along, it has to be a "keeper". The excitement is still there when I find the keepers. Here are a few of our new finds.
1. Burma moonstone: We can't get enough of this beautiful material. Not too high, pieces around 5cts. with two beautiful large over 10ct size. A parcel of 6 to 7mm rounds that are as blue as the Burma material gets, with all the brilliance. Check out our Burma inventory on our website.
2. Green moonstone: As green as I have seen for the past 3 years. This material is getting very scarce and for the price, should be stashed away until the perfect design or customer comes along. Don't be caught short-most of what we see today is a gray/green, these are the old blue/green.
3. Spinel: Remember all the times when you should have bought something because three years later it doubled in price. Well now is the time to buy spinel. The product is still new enough to the design world (even though it has been around for a century), to be reasonably priced yet the red, hot pinks and blues are 30%less than corundum. We now have beautiful matched sets of the hot pink Tanzanian spinel.
4. Blue sheen moonstone: 7 new pieces over 8cts. the cleanest, bluest I could fine. We have recut to produce matched pairs and now have a collection of clean 9mm rounds for suites, pairs, or singles.
Photos will be up on our website soon, but if you can't wait, give us a call and we'll ship them to you
Why is it that when gold, silver, houses, and gemstones are at their highest price, people invest more then ever? We are offering an opportunity to buy low and sell high for those who really want to take advantage of a rising market. Boston gems has partnered in the purchase of a collection of Ceylon sapphires that will be available to our customers at a great savings. An individual bought these stones as a part time gem dealer more than 10 years ago and has been forced to sell the parcel at a very reasonable price. We have gotten reports on some of the gemstones and can guarantee their quality. These are great sizes between 3-8 carat and they are mostly ovals and cushions. Keep us in mind if you have calls through out the season.
Photos will be up on our website soon, but if you can't wait, give us a call and we'll ship them to you
Why is it that when gold, silver, houses, and gemstones are at their highest price, people invest more then ever? We are offering an opportunity to buy low and sell high for those who really want to take advantage of a rising market. Boston gems has partnered in the purchase of a collection of Ceylon sapphires that will be available to our customers at a great savings. An individual bought these stones as a part time gem dealer more than 10 years ago and has been forced to sell the parcel at a very reasonable price. We have gotten reports on some of the gemstones and can guarantee their quality. These are great sizes between 3-8 carat and they are mostly ovals and cushions. Keep us in mind if you have calls through out the season.
All too often we are impressed with the price more than the beauty of the product. Boston Gems enjoys being able to offer our customers really beautiful gemstones for very reasonable prices. Moostone is one of the most beautiful gemstones in the world, but also one of the least expensive. If the public ever realized just how rare large clean moonstones are, the prices would be ten times what we offer. For example, we purchased a parcel of Bamboo Moonstones on this trip. This material is only found in Burma, it is extremely limited in quantity. For those not familiar with this variety of moonstone, there are bamboo like inclusions found within the material which are caused by the natural internal twinning of the moonstone. These gemstones generally have a bluer adularescense than the usual Burma material. We are the only supplier of this material in the United States, and currently have a large selection of 5 to 10 carat peices.